
Sending Artwork

Before sending your artwork, please work your way through the following checklist. This will avoid delays or additional costs. As you are supplying your own artwork, we will not supply proof (unless requested) and will not check the file prior to printing.

  • File(s) supplied as ‘Press Ready’ PDF
  • File is supplied 1-up centered on a page
  • All colours are CMYK (no pantones or RGB)
  • Any tint used must have at least 8% to be visible on the print.
  • All fonts are converted to curves/ outlines (Embedding is not enough)
  • Images are at least 300dpi resolution
  • Layers, gradients & transparancies are flattened before creating the PDF
  • Crop marks added to all edges and centered within page
  • 3mm bleed is added to all edges
  • Safe area is 3mm from the trim edge (NOT 3mm from the bleed edge)

Advertised prices are based on ‘PRESS READY’ PDF’s being supplied, we can convert most major file types at £20 per page (please ask for confirmation). If you are not supplying a PDF file, please make sure to include ALL fonts used or convert all type to curves/outlines.

The prices are based on grouping several jobs together (known as batch printing). This enables us to pass the reduced cost of plates and machine makeready on to our customers. The colour is run to the correct levels and monitored by our Xrite colour density scanner, therefor no special requests (“can you run the Cyan a bit stronger?”) can be considered. For special requests (ie alternative materials and quantities), please ask us to quote.

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